Following our announcement of the outcome of the application process for ScotWind Leasing, the first Scottish offshore wind leasing round in over a decade, we are committed to being as transparent as possible with the information that we can release at this stage.
Currently, the application process is still ongoing. We have offered to grant option agreements to successful applicants who will now have time to negotiate those options with us. If that process is not successful, we may withdraw our offer and go to the next highest scoring application.
This is a live process, meaning a lot of the information is still commercially confidential and the process could be substantially prejudiced if we release information at this stage. Commercially sensitive information is exempt under section 33(1)b, however, any request would be considered on a case by case basis.
You will find all of the information that we are currently able to release on these pages:
- The ScotWind project page
- Article announcing the options which have been offered to 17 applicants
- Spatial data for the offered areas
Highlights of information at this stage:
- Based on the 17 applicants currently being offered options, £700m in option fees will be paid to Crown Estate Scotland by the successful applicants and passed to the Scottish Government for public spending
- The area of seabed covered by the 17 projects is just over 7,000km2 (a maximum of 8,600km2 was made available through the Scottish Government’s Sectoral Marine Plan)
- Initial indications suggest a multi-billion-pound supply chain investment in Scotland
- The potential power generated will provide for the expanding electrification of the Scottish economy as we move to net zero.
This also includes a list of applicants who have been offered option agreements and a map highlighting the option areas. These can be accessed from the downloads section. We will continue to update this page as the process continues.
The purpose of this notice is in part, to fulfil our obligation, under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, to provide reasonable advice and assistance to people who have made or are planning to make a request for information (section 15). This is also in line with our duty to proactively publish information, making it available to anyone and easily accessible.
If you would like to make a request for information, please contact us using the email address below.