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We are committed not only to complying with health and safety legislation, but to finding opportunities for continuous improvement of our health and safety performance.

We have a no blame culture that proactively encourages staff to report near misses, incidents / accidents so that ‘lessons learnt’ are cascaded swiftly without threat of individuals and their actions being targeted for blame

We recognise that excellent health and safety management is fundamental to the success of an organisation. 

Our commitment

As an organisation and as employees, we will: 

  • openly listen to suggestions to improve our health and safety culture & practice 
  • provide strong and active leadership in health and safety
  • ensure adequate arrangements are in place to identify health and safety risks to the organisation and risks are managed appropriately 
  • develop arrangements to prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, injury, ill health and damage as a result of its undertaking 
  • provide clear instruction, information, training and supervision to ensure employees have the right skills, knowledge and experience to do their work
  • engage and consult with employees and our supply chain to request their involvement with health and safety culture and conditions 
  • allocate sufficient resources for health and safety to be managed effectively 
  • assess and plan for potential emergency scenarios 
  • maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain safe plant equipment and machinery and ensure safe use and storage of substances 

Our health & safety policy framework 

To read our complete policy framework, please refer to the Downloads section. 

Health & safety for business partners

We take our health and safety responsibilities seriously, and expect all our business partners to do the same.

Our tenants also have responsibilities for health and safety as occupiers of the Scottish Crown Estate, and we want to help them understand what those are.

Our tenants' responsibilities

Crown Estate Scotland is not, does not wish to be, and cannot be responsible for everything that happens during the course of a tenant’s operation. Those things remain the responsibility of the tenant.

Our agreements include clauses that require leaseholders to comply with all relevant legislation and to indemnify Crown Estate Scotland from any claims resulting from their occupation of the subjects of let. Occupiers also have duties under health and safety legislation for protection of the public who might enter their land or premises.

The primary piece of health and safety legislation is the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, (HASAWA). It places broad duties on an employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees. It also places broad duties on the employer and the self-employed (including Crown Estate Scotland), to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of people who are not employed by them, but who are affected by its undertaking and by the conduct of its undertaking.

The HASAWA is supported by a range of regulations, approved codes of practice, and guidance notes. Further information including sector specific information is available free of charge from the Health & Safety Executive.

Raising concerns

If any partner has any concerns about any Crown Estate Scotland asset, and their health and safety responsibilities, tenants should raise them with either:

  • the appropriate contact within Crown Estate Scotland
  • our agents

Please see our contact page for more information.