At Crown Estate Scotland, we invest in property, natural resources and people to generate lasting value for Scotland.
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Our roles
Our work to deliver for the people of Scotland sees us act in four, distinct roles

Supporting other Scottish Crown Estate managers by, for example, coordinating spatial information.

Asset Manager
Managing leases and agreements with tenants, as well as direct management of forestry.

Empowering others by supporting local plans and projects, providing access to property and helping address barriers to sector growth.

Investing in, for example, property development to enhance value, as well as building external partnerships and supporting staff.
How we help
With effect from 27 September 2021, new legislation came into force which allows eligible bodies to apply for transfer or delegation of management functions for Scottish Crown Estate assets. The eligible bodies are: a local authority another Scottish public authority (with mixed functions or no reserved functions within the meaning fo the Scotland Act 1998) a Scottish harbour authority a community organisation For a detailed explanation of the background to this change, and… Read more about Transfer and delegation
How we help
In 2020 we launched the Sustainable Communities Fund, aimed at supporting local regeneration and sustainable development around Scotland’s coast.To date, we have provided a total of £1.4m to successful applicants. The fund is split into two separate grant streams: Community Capacity Grants and Environment Grants. One of the early projects which we supported through an Environment Grant was an effort to manage watercourses… Read more about SCF grants
How we help
The Tay Reedbeds are a unique wildlife habitat within Scotland, a large portion of which is leased from us and managed by RSPB Scotland. Covering around 400 hectares near the Tay estuary, they offer an ideal home for RSPB priority bird species such as bearded tits, marsh harriers and water rail; but without careful management, the reed degrades as a habitat and it becomes more difficult for these birds to live there. For best results, a mix of… Read more about Tay reedbeds
How we help
We work to champion outdoor learning for children and young people. Outdoor learning helps children to develop skills and knowledge, as well as encouraging healthy and active lifestyles. Examples of work we have been involved in include: ‘taster’ sessions for students from Wester Hailes, Edinburgh, at our Whitehill Estate in Midlothian, to learn about woodland management, ecology and try out practical conservation skills - The course, provided with Earth for Life, allowed… Read more about Woodland sessions