The Tay Reedbeds are a unique wildlife habitat within Scotland, a large portion of which is leased from us and managed by RSPB Scotland.
Covering around 400 hectares near the Tay estuary, they offer an ideal home for RSPB priority bird species such as bearded tits, marsh harriers and water rail; but without careful management, the reed degrades as a habitat and it becomes more difficult for these birds to live there. For best results, a mix of old growth and young reed must be present.
Through a grant from Year One of our Sustainable Communities Fund, RSPB Scotland were able to carry out works on the 260 hectares of reedbed they manage. In early 2022, they flattened around 20 blocks of reed in a mosaic pattern across the area to encourage new growth.
With younger reed coming through, the reedbed will become a more supportive habitat for invertebrates, which will create a stronger food chain for the priority bird species. It also creates an area which is easier for the birds to move through, simplifying their searches for food and nesting places.