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We manage approximately 5,000 hectares (around 12,000 acres) of commercial forestry, mostly on the Glenlivet Estate.
We take a long-term view and work with communities and partners to promote multi-purpose forest management.
Certification Statement of Crown Estate Scotland Woodlands
Crown Estate Scotland has a long tradition of sustainable woodland management in its forest estates throughout Scotland.
Since 2000, all our productive woodlands have certified and audited to ensure woodlands are managed according to the requirements of the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS).
Crown Estate Scotland hereby declares the commitment of all our staff, managers and managing agents towards compliance with the standard in all our woodland management activities.
How we contribute
While managing our forests, we:
- invest in paths, roads and access to help people enjoy the forests under our care
- increase woodland diversity through conservation and landscape projects such as peatland restoration, native broadleaf replanting and preserving habitats for native species
- invite communities to help determine how forestry can work side by side with leisure (mountain bike trails, skiing, camping, bird-watching) and business activities (water bottling, biomass fuel burners and community business centres)
- harvest mature timber in forests, replanting with commercial species and native Scottish trees to create mixed woodlands
- offer visits and activities for school children and vocational training opportunities for older students