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FOISA is an Act of the Scottish Parliament which gives everyone the right to ask for any information held by a Scottish public authority and, subject to certain exemptions e.g. for security or commercial reasons, to receive such information. 

As part of our responsibilities under FOISA, we have adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme 2016.  In adopting the Model Publication Scheme, we have published a “Guide to Information” which lets you know the information that is readily available from us.  It sets out the classes of information we publish and how to access this information.  Please view our Guide to Information document below. We add new material regularly and we take down policies and similar documents when they are no longer current. 

Guide to information - PDF

If you are looking for information not listed in our publication scheme, please contact us as set out below, detailing the information required: 


Or write to us at our Edinburgh head office address

The Freedom of Information