Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas (INTOG) is a leasing round for offshore wind projects that will directly reduce emissions from oil & gas production and boost further innovation.
Developers were able to apply for seabed rights to build two types of offshore wind project:
- IN - Small scale, innovative projects, of less than 100MW
- TOG - Projects connected directly to oil and gas infrastructure, to provide electricity and reduce the carbon emissions associated with production
INTOG is designed, in response to demand from government and industry, to help achieve the targets of the North Sea Transition Sector Deal.
Why is this important?
In order to reach net zero emissions by 2045, Scotland will need innovations in offshore wind which go beyond current technologies – so creating opportunities for developers to test new ideas is crucial.
Decarbonising oil & gas installations will also play an important role in the transition to net zero.
According to the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) power generation for oil & gas infrastructure in the UK, which comes primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, generates emissions equivalent to 10Mt every year: about the same amount generated by electricity use in nine million homes.
These emissions could be eliminated by powering the installations with electricity from new wind farms instead.
The registration window for INTOG opened on 10 August 2022, and closed on 24 August 2022.
The application window opened thereafter, before closing on 18 November 2022.
Applications were assessed and, on 24 March 2023, it was announced that 13 projects had been offered exclusivity agreements.
On 19 May 2023 it was confirmed that all five IN projects had secured Exclusivity Agreements, helping enable the successful applicants to start offshore wind development work while Marine Scotland’s planning process for the INTOG Sectoral Marine Plan (INTOG SMP) is completed.
On 28 November 2023 it was confirmed that seven TOG projects had also secured Exclusivity Agreements, taking to 12 the total number of INTOG projects (from a total of thirteen agreements offered earlier this year).
Proposed projects which are in the final INTOG SMP will be offered an option agreement, to enable further development work during the option period. Following the option period and subject to all conditions being satisfied (e.g. consents and finance being in place), Crown Estate Scotland will offer a seabed lease of 50 years for TOG projects and 25 years for IN projects. Developers will then be able to start construction.
March 2024 update
In March 2024, the Scottish Government confirmed revised timelines for the publication of the updated Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy (SMP-OWE), incorporating the INTOG SMP, indicating that the final plan will be adopted in Spring 2025.
Given the revised timelines, Crown Estate Scotland confirmed it is willing to consider entering into an Option Agreement with any developer who has been granted a marine licence and, where appropriate, a Section 36 consent from Scottish Ministers for their proposed project in advance of the adoption of the SMP-OWE, and subject to satisfying our pre-conditions of stepping into the Option Agreement.
April 2024 update
On 19 April 2024, Crown Estate Scotland entered into an Option Agreement with Flotation Energy and Vårgrønn for their Green Volt INTOG project, following the grant of marine licences and a Section 36 consent from Scottish Ministers. The 560MW project will help in the decarbonisation of North Sea oil and gas installations and provide clean energy as part of the transition towards net-zero. The SCDS Outlook for Green Volt has been published here.
December 2024 update
In November 2024, the Scottish Government confirmed revised timelines for the publication of the updated Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy (SMP-OWE), incorporating the INTOG SMP, indicating that a draft updated plan will be consulted on in Spring 2025 and finalised in Autumn 2025 with adoption and publication following as soon as possible.
As above, given the revised timelines, Crown Estate Scotland confirmed it is willing to consider entering into an Option Agreement with any developer who has been granted a marine licence and, where appropriate, a Section 36 consent from Scottish Ministers for their proposed project in advance of the adoption of the SMP-OWE, and subject to satisfying our pre-conditions of stepping into the Option Agreement