Crown Estate Scotland supports Scottish Education Roadshow

Crown Estate Scotland supports Scottish Education Roadshow

14 February 2023

We are delighted to extend our support for the Marine Conservation Society Scottish Education Roadshow.

Between September 2021 and September 2022, the ‘Protecting Scotland’s Seas’ roadshow travelled across Scotland, engaging over 5,000 children and young people aged between four and 25 in new workshops, citizen science programmes such as their Great British Beach Clean and the Big Seaweed Search, and immersive outdoor sessions.

In total, the Marine Conservation Society worked with 90 different schools and groups, delivering sessions in 24 Scottish Local Authority Areas. Participants ranged from four to 25 years old, covering formal education settings in nursery, primary and secondary school and non-formal routes through youth clubs, Scouts and Brownies and extra-curricular clubs.

The roadshow worked with diverse groups, including four sessions for children with additional support needs, three sessions working with refugee and asylum seeker families and five sessions using travel funds to offer access to ocean education at the coastline, to which travel would usually have been a barrier.





Through a travel fund, the Marine Conservation Society were able to support young people in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation areas, allowing participants to visit the coast for outdoor learning, for some pupils, this was their first experience of the coastline in Scotland. The initiative also visited remote and rural areas like the Highlands and Islands.

To build on our initial support of £10,000, Crown Estate Scotland is providing an additional £4,000 for further activities including litter picking, engagement events, beach cleans and workshops.

Kirsty Crawford, Scottish Volunteer and Community Engagement Manager at the Marine Conservation Society said: “The impact of this education roadshow has reached every corner of Scotland, engaging over 5,000 young people. It’s vitally important to us to be able to provide opportunities for ocean literacy and outdoor learning to diverse communities and a range of schools. I’m proud of the work we have achieved, made possible thanks to funding support from Crown Estate Scotland.”

For more information on the Scottish Education Roadshow please visit the Marine Conservation Society website.

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