Changes to our managing agent partnerships

Changes to our managing agent partnerships

22 December 2020

At Crown Estate Scotland, we employ managing agents to work with us on property management across much of the portfolio. 

Under our current contracts, which run until 31 March 2021: 

  • Savills handle Rural, Salmon Fishings and Urban assets; 
  • Bidwells handle Coastal assets; and 
  • Wardell Armstrong handle Minerals and Mines Royal assets 

We recently put these contracts out for a retender with a full public procurement exercise, receiving tenders in early September. They were rigorously evaluated on price and quality, and the outcome of the evaluation and recommendations were approved by our Board at the end of November. 

We have awarded new contracts which, subject to confirmation, will commence on 1 April 2021 as follows: 

  • Strutt & Parker will handle Rural assets; 
  • Bidwells will handle Coastal assets; 
  • Savills will handle Salmon Fishing Rights assets; 
  • Wardell Armstrong will handle Minerals and Mines Royal assets; and 
  • London & Scottish Property Asset Management Limited will handle Urban assets 

We have written to our tenants to confirm these awards (although the festive post may result in some delay before their receipt).

Our Property team will now work with all the Managing Agents to deliver a smooth transition and handover of responsibilities. 

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