Original Request:
Please provide all records, documentation, and correspondence (internal and external) relating to the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessments undertaken by Scottish Government departments and executive non-departmental public bodies relating to Salmon Farming since the introduction of the November 2018 toolkit for this assessment work. Please include emails, letters, meeting notes and actions from internal and external discussions, Cabinet Briefings, reports, financial, social and environmental assessments, and any other related information associated with this subject since the introduction of the November 2018 toolkit for this assessment work.
Please provide all records, documentation, and correspondence (internal and external) which covers the assessment of the impact on business of a policy or regulatory decision made in respect to Scotland’s Salmon Farming Sector, covering marine and land activities up to the commencement of the current Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment toolkit published in November 2018 by Scottish Government directorates and executive non-departmental public bodies from the 1 January 2005. Please include emails, letters, meeting notes and actions from internal and external discussions, Cabinet Briefings, reports, financial, social and environmental assessments and any other related information associated with this subject from the 1 January 2005 up to the commencement of the current Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment toolkit published in November 2018.
Please provide all records, documentation, and correspondence (internal and external) which covers the assessment of the impact on business of a policy or regulatory decision made in respect to Scotland’s Salmon Farming Sector, covering marine and land activities by Scottish Government directorates and executive non-departmental public bodies from the 1 January 2005. Please include emails, letters, meeting notes and actions from internal and external discussions, Cabinet Briefings, reports, financial, social and environmental assessments and any other related information associated with this subject from the 1 January 2005.
Clarification sought 30th November 2021.
Clarified Request:
When considering any change to lease terms do you consider the impacts of the change on the leaseholder and in respect to salmon farming can you please provide the evidence of such considerations - the point of change and the information used to assess business impacts, including the decision which resulted from such work.
I refer to the BRIA process as a guide of what is expected to be considered. As a delegated authority I note that you have the requirement to contribute toward the achievement of the Scottish Government's primary purpose, the National Performance Framework, National Marine Plan and Scotland's Economic Strategy and seeking to understand the decision making in delivering your objectives as it relates to understanding of Salmon farming business and impacts of any decisions you may make in respect of said leaseholders.
Crown Estate Scotland will be publishing our first review of aquaculture lease terms in January 2022.
Attached you will find our Invitation to Tender (ITT) for a Review of Rent and Lease Terms for Marine Aquaculture in Scotland. The timetabling of the ITT was put in place pre-pandemic and in light of Covid-19 induced events since then, it has been postponed – expect publication of the finalised report and recommendations for adoptions on our website in early 2022, and implementation in January 2023.